

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

Options for community blogging

Elgg is a community blog site that can be used to create individual blog sites for students.



  • Elgg has a built in community feature that allows users to subscribe to each others blogs directly.
  • There is a built in RSS aggregator that allows you to get feeds from your favorite websites.
  • They support several universities in communal blogging endeavors.
  • UF could have a specific site set up for our use.
  • Access and community can exist beyond formal class (i.e., opportunity for supporting informal learning and a community of interest).

Blogger or any free blogware can be used in concert with an RSS aggregator to allow students to create individual sites that can be aggregated for sharing.


Blogger could be set up to allow students to interact on the same blog.



  • Access and community can exist beyond formal class (i.e., opportunity for supporting informal learning and a community of interest).
  • Classes can be set up in advance and prepopulated for students to work in assigned groups.



Weblog Research:



  • What About Blogs? is a literature review introducing nascent pedo-blogs to the blogging world by NICOLE CONVERSE LIVENGOOD for PROFRESSOR LINDA BERGMANN'S writing across the curriculum seminar at Purdue University.

EME 6405 IntellectualBiography Presentation

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