christopher d. sessums's Wiki
My aim is to agitate and disturb people. I’m not selling bread, I’m selling yeast.
-Miguel de Unamuno, writer and philosopher (1864-1936)
Main features:
Teaching & Learning With Technology Brown Bag Session: WhatsaWiki?
An introduction to the educational uses of an online collaboration tool known as a wiki.
- -- An introduction to social software and its use in teaching and learning environments
Other Goodies:
ReSources -- Screencasts for Educators, Podcasts, Feeds, Wikis, Links
CollaborativeBlogging -- Some brief thoughts on using weblogs collaboratively
InstructionalOrganizations -- a course workspace for Instructional Organization of Schools: Strategies and Outcomes
FreeOnlineEducationalSites -- a list of free online educational resources including video links, podcasts, syllabi, textbooks, etc.
Web 2.0 ClearingHouse -- all things Web 2.0
LearningTheories -- an aggregation of knowledge, learning, and cognition theories
EDE 6931: Teacher Learning & Professional Development -- CourseSyllabus
Visit my homepage or weblog to keep up with my thoughts on learning design, educational technology, and teaching & learning.
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