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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 11 months ago

Reflective Summary of Authentic, Technical Professional Development Assignment


This assignment was a pleasure to research and design. As technology continues to provide more ways of looking at the world, RSS aggregators are an initial step towards watching Hamlet on the Holodeck.


Aggregators allow us to sift through mountains of data and information out there in cyberspace, and siphon it off into neat, managable bundles (depending on how may sources and feeds you are sifting through). Aggregators can allow us to read world news as well as specific weblogs we find interesting or useful in some way.


Wiki software was helpful in allowing me to aggregate the information I uncovered and present in a manageble bundle for classmates to use anytime, anywhere, even beyond the classroom.


If no one in class finds the information presented useful, then I have failed this assignment. I am hoping one or two people might find it helpful and create feeds for themselves that can help them stay tuned with events and knowledge as it unfolds.

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