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on October 30, 2005 at 4:09:59 pm

Web 2.0: The Ne(x)t Generation


So you may of heard about it somewhere but really weren't sure what Web 2.0 is or what it means.


Here's my quick and dirty definition:


Computer, analyze....

The World Wide Web "pushes" a whole lot of information and services out into cyberspace that I can search through as I need.

Web 2.0 applications do the searching for me, "pulling" the information to my desktop.

Here is a list of resources that provide useful thoughts and analysis on the concept:

1. Stephen Downes is always on top of things. Here is his list of all things Web 2.0 complete with an RSS feed to keep you always informed.

2. What is Web 2.0 - the O'Reilly definition

3. Nicholas Carr's article: The Amorality of Web 2.0

4. John Hagel's POV

5. Troy Angrignon's perspective

Web 2.0 for designers links:


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